brand / RECARE Xtreme Formula

RECARE Xtreme Formula

The Recare DXF line of the cosmetics, matching the ultimate and innovative cosmetic researches, was created to treat the skin, focusing on a new skin layer. Nowadays, becoming still more and more relevant is the “fourth skin”, the superficial layer of the skin also called MICROBIOTA skin. It’s an ecosystem consisting of microorganisms; its imbalance leads to skin alternation and the aging. Unfortunately, the air pollution, UV and IR, hot or/and wet climate negatively affect this ecosystem with resulting in several damages on the skin. The main task of the DXF line, therefore, is be to rebalance any damaged Microbiota, thanks to use of substances biotechnologically derived from bacterial fermentation.

Active substances and excellent raw materials from nature, matching the most upgrade biotechnology, help to frame the RECARE DXF as the pioneer for a new approach to the skin in cosmetic industry.