News / UNSCENT lasts until the end of April

UNSCENT lasts until the end of April

An event to discover the olfactory and visual images of the most refined niche brands. All of this is UNSCENT, devised and developed by Celso Fadelli and Cristiano Seganfreddo that on February 21th, in the setting of Excelsior multistore in Milan, welcomed international guests, such as Diane Pernet and Jacques Azagury, perfume addicts and curious ones, to celebrate together the art of perfumery. People could savor the fragrances by way of special glass boules which contain the various perfumes.  This was a journey into perfumery that aims to unveil the fragrances through the fifth sense only, without concentrating on the vision of them. That’s the reason of calling it un-scent. Denying to establish something that is undefined,  enclosing emotions in a bottle, never stopping on the way to experimentation. This is what made Unscent successful once again. The exhibition will remain open until the end of April.